Friday, September 24, 2010

The Time to Act is NOW

I am not content to sit by idly as our nation teeters on the brink of disaster: the people, who should so rightfully drive our country’s initiatives, have become disillusioned taking our unique political process for granted.  I do not believe that we as a people are inherently lazy when it comes to our future.  Rather, I believe that my fellow Americans have gone into a state of arrested development due to the lack of clear, unbiased information about the legislative issues of the day.  We are constantly inundated with information by media that has become so polarized with strong rhetoric that is exhausting for anyone trying to seek the truth.  There is an understandable, although misguided, perception that in order to fully understand political concepts one must be either extremely liberal or conservative.  Yet this is unfounded and quite frankly the minority.  The vast majority of Americans fall in the middle.  At the first sign of a political discussion, this group will label themselves as moderate and fall silent.  Over the past few years I have personally wondered why this is the case and have pondered the many reasons.  I have observed a commonality among all these people: they do not feel that they knew enough about the topic at hand to partake in the discussion, and this fear is what keeps them on the sidelines.  But why not research such topics more to prevent future incidents like this from happening?  This is how the misguided belief that Americans are politically apathetic is founded.  Due to a shortage in unbiased, accessible and understandable outlets for political content the average American has given up the search for their own understanding.  Instead, they either align themselves with one side and learn to champion it or they deem that there is no such thing as news that allows the public to formulate its own opinion and tune out. 

I am not here to promote one side over the other.  This is not to say that I do not have an opinion on issues, I most certainly do, but I am not here to tell you what to think or how to vote.   My personal stance on politics is that the people should have the right to formulate their own opinions from unbiased, concise material that presents all the facts.  I have witnessed concerned constituents try to become involved in politics only to have the spark of their desires die due to confusion, overcomplicated use of language, and fear of ridicule.  People have forgotten that the government is here to serve us, and therefore the people have the right to information and an open flow of communication with their elected officials.  It is my mission to help educate my fellow Americans on the legislative topics of the day in a rhetoric free environment that promotes unhindered thought and dialogue; fostering a nation of citizens who are accountable for their futures and the future of this country.